Source code for moments.Plotting

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import pylab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#: Custom ticks that label only the lowest and highest bins in an FS plot.
class _sfsTickLocator(matplotlib.ticker.Locator):
    def __call__(self):
        "Return the locations of the ticks"

            vmin, vmax = self.axis.get_view_interval()
            dmin, dmax = self.axis.get_data_interval()
        except AttributeError:
            vmin, vmax = self.viewInterval.get_bounds()
            dmin, dmax = self.dataInterval.get_bounds()

        tmin = max(vmin, dmin)
        tmax = min(vmax, dmax)

        return np.array([round(tmin) + 0.5, round(tmax) - 0.5])

#: Custom tick formatter
_ctf = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: "%i" % (x - 0.4))

from moments import Numerics, Inference

## 1-population functions

[docs]def plot_1d_fs(fs, fig_num=None, show=True, ax=None, out=None, ms=3, lw=1): """ Plot a 1-dimensional frequency spectrum. Note that all the plotting is done with pylab. To see additional pylab methods: "import pylab; help(pylab)". Pylab's many functions are documented at :param fs: A single-population Spectrum :param fig_num: If used, clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, a new figure window is created. :param show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays. :param ax: If None, uses new or specified figure. Otherwise plots in axes object that is given after clearing. :param out: If file name is given, saves before showing. """ if ax is None: if fig_num is None: fig = pylab.gcf() else: fig = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(8, 4)) plt.clf() axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: axes = ax plt.cla() axes.semilogy(fs, "-o", ms=ms, lw=lw) if fs.folded: axes.set_xlim(0, fs.sample_sizes[0] // 2 + 1) axes.set_xlabel("Minor allele frequency") else: axes.set_xlim(0, fs.sample_sizes[0]) axes.set_xlabel("Allele frequency") axes.set_ylabel("Count") if ax is None: plt.tight_layout() if out is not None: plt.savefig(out) if show:
[docs]def plot_1d_comp_multinom( model, data, fig_num=None, residual="Anscombe", plot_masked=False, out=None, show=True, labels=["Model", "Data"], ): """ Multinomial comparison between 1d model and data. :param model: 1-dimensional model SFS :param data: 1-dimensional data SFS :param fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. :param residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. :param plot_masked: Additionally plots (in open circles) results for points in the model or data that were masked. :param out: Output filename to save figure, if given. :param show: If True, displays figure. Set to False to supress. """ model = Inference.optimally_scaled_sfs(model, data) plot_1d_comp_Poisson(model, data, fig_num, residual, plot_masked, out, show, labels)
[docs]def plot_1d_comp_Poisson( model, data, fig_num=None, residual="Anscombe", plot_masked=False, out=None, show=True, labels=["Model", "Data"], ): """ Poisson comparison between 1d model and data. :param model: 1-dimensional model SFS :param data: 1-dimensional data SFS :param fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. :param residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. :param plot_masked: Additionally plots (in open circles) results for points in the model or data that were masked. :param out: Output filename to save figure, if given. :param show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays. :param labels: A list of strings of length two, labels for the first and second input frequency spectra. Defaults to "Model" and "Data". """ if fig_num is None: f = pylab.gcf() else: f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(8, 8)) pylab.clf() if data.folded and not model.folded: model = model.fold() masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data) ax = pylab.subplot(2, 1, 1) ax.semilogy(masked_data, "-o", ms=6, lw=1, mfc="w", label=labels[1]) ax.semilogy(masked_model, "-o", ms=3, lw=1, label=labels[0]) if plot_masked: ax.semilogy(, "--o", ms=6, lw=1, mfc="w", zorder=-100, label=None ) ax.semilogy(, "--o", ms=4, lw=1, mfc="w", zorder=-100, label=None ) ax2 = pylab.subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=ax) if residual == "Anscombe": resid = Inference.Anscombe_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data) elif residual == "linear": resid = Inference.linear_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data) else: raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual) ax2.plot([], []) ax2.plot([], []) ax2.plot(resid, "-o", ms=4, lw=1) if plot_masked: ax2.plot(, "--o", ms=4, lw=1, mfc="w", zorder=-100) if data.folded: ax.set_xlim(0, data.sample_sizes[0] // 2 + 1) ax2.set_xlabel("Minor allele frequency") else: ax.set_xlim(0, data.sample_sizes[0]) ax2.set_xlabel("Allele frequency") ax.set_ylabel("Count") ax2.set_ylabel("Residual") ax.legend() if out is not None: f.tight_layout() pylab.savefig(out) if show:
## ## 2-population functions ##
[docs]def plot_single_2d_sfs( sfs, vmin=None, vmax=None, ax=None, pop_ids=None, extend="neither", colorbar=True,, out=None, show=True, ): """ Heatmap of single 2d SFS. If vmax is greater than a factor of 10, plot on log scale. Returns colorbar that is created. :param sfs: SFS to plot :param vmin: Values in sfs below vmin are masked in plot. :param vmax: Values in sfs above vmax saturate the color spectrum. :param ax: Axes object to plot into. If None, the result of pylab.gca() is used. :param pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. :param extend: Whether the colorbar should have 'extension' arrows. See help(pylab.colorbar) for more details. :param colorbar: Should we plot a colorbar? :param cmap: Pylab colormap to use for plotting. :param out: Output filename to save figure, if given. :param show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays. """ sfs = sfs.copy() if ax is None: fig = pylab.gcf() pylab.clf() axes = pylab.gca() else: axes = ax # this fails with entries of zero, so we mask those: sfs.mask[sfs == 0] = True if vmin is None: vmin = sfs.min() if vmax is None: vmax = sfs.max()"w") if vmax / vmin > 10: # Under matplotlib 1.0.1, default LogFormatter omits some tick lines. # This works more consistently. norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin * (1 - 1e-3), vmax=vmax * (1 + 1e-3)) format = matplotlib.ticker.LogFormatterMathtext() else: norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize( vmin=vmin * (1 - 1e-3), vmax=vmax * (1 + 1e-3) ) format = None mappable = axes.pcolor( < vmin, sfs), cmap=cmap, edgecolors="none", norm=norm ) cb = axes.figure.colorbar(mappable, extend=extend, format=format) if not colorbar: axes.figure.delaxes(axes.figure.axes[-1]) else: # A hack so we can manually work around weird ticks in some colorbars try: axes.figure.moments_colorbars.append(cb) except AttributeError: axes.figure.moments_colorbars = [cb] axes.plot([0, sfs.shape[1]], [0, sfs.shape[0]], "-k", lw=0.2) if pop_ids is None: if sfs.pop_ids is not None: pop_ids = sfs.pop_ids else: pop_ids = ["pop0", "pop1"] axes.set_ylabel(pop_ids[0], verticalalignment="top") axes.set_xlabel(pop_ids[1], verticalalignment="bottom") axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(_ctf) axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(_sfsTickLocator()) axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(_ctf) axes.yaxis.set_major_locator(_sfsTickLocator()) for tick in axes.xaxis.get_ticklines() + axes.yaxis.get_ticklines(): tick.set_visible(False) axes.set_xlim(0, sfs.shape[1]) axes.set_ylim(0, sfs.shape[0]) if ax is None: plt.tight_layout() if out is not None: plt.savefig(out) if show:
[docs]def plot_2d_resid( resid, resid_range=None, ax=None, pop_ids=None, extend="neither", colorbar=True, out=None, show=True, ): """ Linear heatmap of 2d residual array. :param sfs: Residual array to plot. :param resid_range: Values > resid range or < resid_range saturate the color spectrum. :param ax: Axes object to plot into. If None, the result of pylab.gca() is used. :param pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. :param extend: Whether the colorbar should have 'extension' arrows. See help(pylab.colorbar) for more details. :param colorbar: Should we plot a colorbar? :param out: Output filename to save figure, if given. :param show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays. """ if ax is None: fig = pylab.gcf() pylab.clf() axes = pylab.gca() else: axes = ax if resid_range is None: resid_range = abs(resid).max() mappable = axes.pcolor( resid,, vmin=-resid_range, vmax=resid_range, edgecolors="none", ) cbticks = [-resid_range, 0, resid_range] format = matplotlib.ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%.2g") cb = axes.figure.colorbar(mappable, ticks=cbticks, format=format, extend=extend) if not colorbar: axes.figure.delaxes(axes.figure.axes[-1]) else: try: axes.figure.moments_colorbars.append(cb) except AttributeError: axes.figure.moments_colorbars = [cb] axes.plot([0, resid.shape[1]], [0, resid.shape[0]], "-k", lw=0.2) if pop_ids is None: if resid.pop_ids is not None: pop_ids = resid.pop_ids else: pop_ids = ["pop0", "pop1"] axes.set_ylabel(pop_ids[0], verticalalignment="top") axes.set_xlabel(pop_ids[1], verticalalignment="bottom") axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(_ctf) axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(_sfsTickLocator()) axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(_ctf) axes.yaxis.set_major_locator(_sfsTickLocator()) for tick in axes.xaxis.get_ticklines() + axes.yaxis.get_ticklines(): tick.set_visible(False) axes.set_xlim(0, resid.shape[1]) axes.set_ylim(0, resid.shape[0]) if ax is None: plt.tight_layout() if out is not None: plt.savefig(out) if show:
# Used to determine whether colorbars should have 'extended' arrows _extend_mapping = { (True, True): "neither", (False, True): "min", (True, False): "max", (False, False): "both", }
[docs]def plot_2d_comp_multinom( model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None, resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, residual="Anscombe", adjust=True, out=None, show=True, ): """ Multinomial comparison between 2d model and data. :param model: 2-dimensional model SFS :param data: 2-dimensional data SFS :param vmin: Minimum value plotted. :param vmax: Maximum value plotted. :param resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. :param fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. :param pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. :param residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. :param adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False. :param out: Output filename to save figure, if given. :param show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays. """ model = Inference.optimally_scaled_sfs(model, data) plot_2d_comp_Poisson( model, data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, resid_range=resid_range, fig_num=fig_num, pop_ids=pop_ids, residual=residual, adjust=adjust, out=out, show=show, )
[docs]def plot_2d_comp_Poisson( model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None, resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, residual="Anscombe", adjust=True, out=None, show=True, ): """ Poisson comparison between 2d model and data. :param model: 2-dimensional model SFS :param data: 2-dimensional data SFS :param vmin: Minimum value plotted. :param vmax: Maximum value plotted. :param resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. :param fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. :param pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. :param residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. :param adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False. :param out: Output filename to save figure, if given. :param show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays. """ model = model.copy() data = data.copy() if data.folded and not model.folded: model = model.fold() # errors if there are zero entries in the data or model, mask them: model.mask[model == 0] = True data.mask[data == 0] = True masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data) if fig_num is None: f = pylab.gcf() else: f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(7, 7)) pylab.clf() if adjust: pylab.subplots_adjust( bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.94, right=0.95, hspace=0.26, wspace=0.26 ) max_toplot = max(masked_model.max(), masked_data.max()) min_toplot = min(masked_model.min(), masked_data.min()) if vmax is None: vmax = max_toplot if vmin is None: vmin = min_toplot extend = _extend_mapping[vmin <= min_toplot, vmax >= max_toplot] if pop_ids is not None: data_pop_ids = model_pop_ids = resid_pop_ids = pop_ids if len(pop_ids) != 2: raise ValueError("pop_ids must be of length 2.") else: data_pop_ids = masked_data.pop_ids model_pop_ids = masked_model.pop_ids if masked_model.pop_ids is None: model_pop_ids = data_pop_ids if model_pop_ids == data_pop_ids: resid_pop_ids = model_pop_ids else: resid_pop_ids = None ax = pylab.subplot(2, 2, 1) plot_single_2d_sfs( masked_data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=ax, pop_ids=data_pop_ids, colorbar=False, show=False, ) ax.set_title("data") ax2 = pylab.subplot(2, 2, 2, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) plot_single_2d_sfs( masked_model, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=ax2, pop_ids=model_pop_ids, extend=extend, show=False, ) ax2.set_title("model") if residual == "Anscombe": resid = Inference.Anscombe_Poisson_residual( masked_model, masked_data, mask=vmin ) elif residual == "linear": resid = Inference.linear_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data, mask=vmin) else: raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual) if resid_range is None: resid_range = max((abs(resid.max()), abs(resid.min()))) resid_extend = _extend_mapping[ -resid_range <= resid.min(), resid_range >= resid.max() ] ax3 = pylab.subplot(2, 2, 3, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) plot_2d_resid( resid, resid_range, pop_ids=resid_pop_ids, extend=resid_extend, ax=ax3, show=False, ) ax3.set_title("residuals") ax4 = pylab.subplot(2, 2, 4) flatresid = np.compress(np.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), resid.ravel()) ax4.hist(flatresid, bins=20, density=True) ax4.set_title("residuals") ax4.set_yticks([]) plt.tight_layout() if out is not None: plt.savefig(out) if show:
## ## 3-population functions ##
[docs]def plot_3d_comp_multinom( model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None, resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, residual="Anscombe", adjust=True, out=None, show=True, ): """ Multinomial comparison between 3d model and data. :param model: 3-dimensional model SFS :param data: 3-dimensional data SFS :param vmin: Minimum value plotted. :param vmax: Maximum value plotted. :param resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. :param fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. :param pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. :param residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. :param adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False. :param out: Output filename to save figure, if given. :param show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays. """ model = Inference.optimally_scaled_sfs(model, data) plot_3d_comp_Poisson( model, data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, resid_range=resid_range, fig_num=fig_num, pop_ids=pop_ids, residual=residual, adjust=adjust, out=out, show=show, )
[docs]def plot_3d_comp_Poisson( model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None, resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, residual="Anscombe", adjust=True, out=None, show=True, ): """ Poisson comparison between 3d model and data. :param model: 3-dimensional model SFS :param data: 3-dimensional data SFS :param vmin: Minimum value plotted. :param vmax: Maximum value plotted. :param resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. :param fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. :param pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. :param residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. :param adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False. :param out: Output filename to save figure, if given. :param show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays. """ model = model.copy() data = data.copy() if data.folded and not model.folded: model = model.fold() # errors if there are zero entries in the data or model, mask them: model.mask[model == 0] = True data.mask[data == 0] = True masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data) if fig_num is None: f = pylab.gcf() else: f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(8, 10)) pylab.clf() if adjust: pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.95, right=0.95) modelmax = max(masked_model.sum(axis=sax).max() for sax in range(3)) datamax = max(masked_data.sum(axis=sax).max() for sax in range(3)) modelmin = min(masked_model.sum(axis=sax).min() for sax in range(3)) datamin = min(masked_data.sum(axis=sax).min() for sax in range(3)) max_toplot = max(modelmax, datamax) min_toplot = min(modelmin, datamin) if vmax is None: vmax = max_toplot if vmin is None: vmin = min_toplot extend = _extend_mapping[vmin <= min_toplot, vmax >= max_toplot] # Calculate the residuals if residual == "Anscombe": resids = [ Inference.Anscombe_Poisson_residual( masked_model.sum(axis=2 - sax), masked_data.sum(axis=2 - sax), mask=vmin ) for sax in range(3) ] elif residual == "linear": resids = [ Inference.linear_Poisson_residual( masked_model.sum(axis=2 - sax), masked_data.sum(axis=2 - sax), mask=vmin ) for sax in range(3) ] else: raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual) min_resid = min([r.min() for r in resids]) max_resid = max([r.max() for r in resids]) if resid_range is None: resid_range = max((abs(max_resid), abs(min_resid))) resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= min_resid, resid_range >= max_resid] if pop_ids is not None: if len(pop_ids) != 3: raise ValueError("pop_ids must be of length 3.") data_ids = model_ids = resid_ids = pop_ids else: data_ids = masked_data.pop_ids model_ids = masked_model.pop_ids if model_ids is None: model_ids = data_ids if model_ids == data_ids: resid_ids = model_ids else: resid_ids = None for sax in range(3): marg_data = masked_data.sum(axis=2 - sax) marg_model = masked_model.sum(axis=2 - sax) curr_ids = [] for ids in [data_ids, model_ids, resid_ids]: if ids is None: ids = ["pop0", "pop1", "pop2"] if ids is not None: ids = list(ids) del ids[2 - sax] curr_ids.append(ids) ax = pylab.subplot(4, 3, sax + 1) plot_colorbar = sax == 2 plot_single_2d_sfs( marg_data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=ax, pop_ids=curr_ids[0], extend=extend, colorbar=plot_colorbar, show=False, ) ax2 = pylab.subplot(4, 3, sax + 4, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) plot_single_2d_sfs( marg_model, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=ax2, pop_ids=curr_ids[1], extend=extend, colorbar=False, show=False, ) resid = resids[sax] ax3 = pylab.subplot(4, 3, sax + 7, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) plot_2d_resid( resid, resid_range, ax=ax3, pop_ids=curr_ids[2], extend=resid_extend, colorbar=plot_colorbar, show=False, ) ax4 = pylab.subplot(4, 3, sax + 10) flatresid = np.compress(np.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), resid.ravel()) ax4.hist(flatresid, bins=20, density=True) ax4.set_yticks([]) f.tight_layout() if out is not None: f.savefig(out) if show:
[docs]def plot_3d_spectrum( fs, fignum=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, pop_ids=None, out=None, show=True ): """ Logarithmic heatmap of single 3d FS. Note that this method is slow, because it relies on matplotlib's software rendering. For faster and better looking plots, use plot_3d_spectrum_mayavi. :param fs: FS to plot :param vmin: Values in fs below vmin are masked in plot. :param vmax: Values in fs above vmax saturate the color spectrum. :param fignum: Figure number to plot into. If None, a new figure will be created. :param pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. :param out: Output filename to save figure, if given. :param show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays. """ import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as mplot3d fig = pylab.figure(fignum) ax = mplot3d.Axes3D(fig) if vmin is None: vmin = fs.min() if vmax is None: vmax = fs.max() # Which entries should I plot? toplot = np.logical_not(fs.mask) toplot = np.logical_and(toplot, >= vmin) # Figure out the color mapping. normalized = (np.log(fs) - np.log(vmin)) / (np.log(vmax) - np.log(vmin)) normalized = np.minimum(normalized, 1) colors = # We draw by calculating which faces are visible and including each as a # polygon. polys, polycolors = [], [] for ii in range(fs.shape[0]): for jj in range(fs.shape[1]): for kk in range(fs.shape[2]): if not toplot[ii, jj, kk]: continue if kk < fs.shape[2] - 1 and toplot[ii, jj, kk + 1]: pass else: polys.append( [ [ii - 0.5, jj + 0.5, kk + 0.5], [ii + 0.5, jj + 0.5, kk + 0.5], [ii + 0.5, jj - 0.5, kk + 0.5], [ii - 0.5, jj - 0.5, kk + 0.5], ] ) polycolors.append(colors[ii, jj, kk]) if kk > 0 and toplot[ii, jj, kk - 1]: pass else: polys.append( [ [ii - 0.5, jj + 0.5, kk - 0.5], [ii + 0.5, jj + 0.5, kk - 0.5], [ii + 0.5, jj - 0.5, kk - 0.5], [ii - 0.5, jj - 0.5, kk - 0.5], ] ) polycolors.append(colors[ii, jj, kk]) if jj < fs.shape[1] - 1 and toplot[ii, jj + 1, kk]: pass else: polys.append( [ [ii - 0.5, jj + 0.5, kk + 0.5], [ii + 0.5, jj + 0.5, kk + 0.5], [ii + 0.5, jj + 0.5, kk - 0.5], [ii - 0.5, jj + 0.5, kk - 0.5], ] ) polycolors.append(colors[ii, jj, kk]) if jj > 0 and toplot[ii, jj - 1, kk]: pass else: polys.append( [ [ii - 0.5, jj - 0.5, kk + 0.5], [ii + 0.5, jj - 0.5, kk + 0.5], [ii + 0.5, jj - 0.5, kk - 0.5], [ii - 0.5, jj - 0.5, kk - 0.5], ] ) polycolors.append(colors[ii, jj, kk]) if ii < fs.shape[0] - 1 and toplot[ii + 1, jj, kk]: pass else: polys.append( [ [ii + 0.5, jj - 0.5, kk + 0.5], [ii + 0.5, jj + 0.5, kk + 0.5], [ii + 0.5, jj + 0.5, kk - 0.5], [ii + 0.5, jj - 0.5, kk - 0.5], ] ) polycolors.append(colors[ii, jj, kk]) if ii > 0 and toplot[ii - 1, jj, kk]: pass else: polys.append( [ [ii - 0.5, jj - 0.5, kk + 0.5], [ii - 0.5, jj + 0.5, kk + 0.5], [ii - 0.5, jj + 0.5, kk - 0.5], [ii - 0.5, jj - 0.5, kk - 0.5], ] ) polycolors.append(colors[ii, jj, kk]) polycoll = mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection( polys, facecolor=polycolors, edgecolor="k", linewidths=0.5 ) ax.add_collection(polycoll) # Set the limits ax.set_xlim3d(-0.5, fs.shape[0] - 0.5) ax.set_ylim3d(-0.5, fs.shape[1] - 0.5) ax.set_zlim3d(-0.5, fs.shape[2] - 0.5) if pop_ids is None: if fs.pop_ids is not None: pop_ids = fs.pop_ids else: pop_ids = ["pop0", "pop1", "pop2"] ax.set_xlabel(pop_ids[0], horizontalalignment="left") ax.set_ylabel(pop_ids[1], verticalalignment="bottom") ax.set_zlabel(pop_ids[2], verticalalignment="bottom") # XXX: I can't set the axis ticks to be just the endpoints. plt.tight_layout() if out is not None: plt.savefig(out) if show:
[docs]def plot_4d_comp_multinom( model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None, resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, residual="Anscombe", adjust=True, out=None, show=True, ): """ Multinomial comparison between 4d model and data. :param model: 4-dimensional model SFS :param data: 4-dimensional data SFS :param vmin: Minimum value plotted. :param vmax: Maximum value plotted. :param resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. :param fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. :param pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. :param residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. :param adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False. :param out: Output filename to save figure, if given. :param show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays. """ model = Inference.optimally_scaled_sfs(model, data) plot_4d_comp_Poisson( model, data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, resid_range=resid_range, fig_num=fig_num, pop_ids=pop_ids, residual=residual, adjust=adjust, out=out, show=show, )
[docs]def plot_4d_comp_Poisson( model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None, resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, residual="Anscombe", adjust=True, out=None, show=True, ): """ Poisson comparison between 4d model and data. :param model: 4-dimensional model SFS :param data: 4-dimensional data SFS :param vmin: Minimum value plotted. :param vmax: Maximum value plotted. :param resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range. :param fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure window is created. :param pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum. :param residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear residuals, which can be less biased. :param adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False. :param out: Output filename to save figure, if given. :param show: If True, execute command to make sure plot displays. """ model = model.copy() data = data.copy() if data.folded and not model.folded: model = model.fold() # errors if there are zero entries in the data or model, mask them: model.mask[model == 0] = True data.mask[data == 0] = True masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data) if fig_num is None: f = pylab.gcf() else: f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(8, 10)) pylab.clf() if adjust: pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.95, right=0.95) modelmax = max(masked_model.sum(axis=sax).max() for sax in range(4)) datamax = max(masked_data.sum(axis=sax).max() for sax in range(4)) modelmin = min(masked_model.sum(axis=sax).min() for sax in range(4)) datamin = min(masked_data.sum(axis=sax).min() for sax in range(4)) max_toplot = max(modelmax, datamax) min_toplot = min(modelmin, datamin) if vmax is None: vmax = max_toplot if vmin is None: vmin = min_toplot extend = _extend_mapping[vmin <= min_toplot, vmax >= max_toplot] # Calculate the residuals list_ind = [[2, 3], [1, 3], [1, 2], [0, 3], [0, 2], [0, 1]] if residual == "Anscombe": resids = [ Inference.Anscombe_Poisson_residual( masked_model.sum(axis=int(list_ind[i][1])).sum( axis=int(list_ind[i][0]) ), masked_data.sum(axis=int(list_ind[i][1])).sum(axis=int(list_ind[i][0])), mask=vmin, ) for i in range(6) ] elif residual == "linear": resids = [ Inference.linear_Poisson_residual( masked_model.sum(axis=int(list_ind[i][1])).sum( axis=int(list_ind[i][0]) ), masked_data.sum(axis=int(list_ind[i][1])).sum(axis=int(list_ind[i][0])), mask=vmin, ) for i in range(6) ] else: raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual) min_resid = min([r.min() for r in resids]) max_resid = max([r.max() for r in resids]) if resid_range is None: resid_range = max((abs(max_resid), abs(min_resid))) resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= min_resid, resid_range >= max_resid] if pop_ids is not None: if len(pop_ids) != 4: raise ValueError("pop_ids must be of length 4.") data_ids = model_ids = resid_ids = pop_ids else: data_ids = masked_data.pop_ids model_ids = masked_model.pop_ids if model_ids is None: model_ids = data_ids if model_ids == data_ids: resid_ids = model_ids else: resid_ids = None cptr = 0 for i in range(4): for j in range(i + 1, 4): ind = list(range(4)) ind.remove(j) ind.remove(i) marg_data = masked_data.sum(axis=int(ind[1])).sum(axis=int(ind[0])) marg_model = masked_model.sum(axis=int(ind[1])).sum(axis=int(ind[0])) curr_ids = [] for ids in [data_ids, model_ids, resid_ids]: if ids is None: ids = ["pop0", "pop1", "pop2", "pop3"] if ids is not None: ids = [ids[j], ids[i]] curr_ids.append(ids) ax = pylab.subplot(4, 6, cptr + 1) plot_colorbar = cptr == 5 plot_single_2d_sfs( marg_data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=ax, pop_ids=curr_ids[0], extend=extend, colorbar=plot_colorbar, show=False, ) ax2 = pylab.subplot(4, 6, cptr + 7, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) plot_single_2d_sfs( marg_model, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=ax2, pop_ids=curr_ids[1], extend=extend, colorbar=False, show=False, ) resid = resids[cptr] ax3 = pylab.subplot(4, 6, cptr + 13, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) plot_2d_resid( resid, resid_range, ax=ax3, pop_ids=curr_ids[2], extend=resid_extend, colorbar=plot_colorbar, show=False, ) ax4 = pylab.subplot(4, 6, cptr + 19) flatresid = np.compress(np.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), resid.ravel()) ax4.hist(flatresid, bins=20, density=True) ax4.set_yticks([]) cptr += 1 f.tight_layout() if out is not None: f.savefig(out) if show: